Emotions & Feelings

You are not your emotions or feelings!

Emotions are biological states triggered by neurophysiological changes in response to internal or external stimuli, and they are part of us, but they don’t entirely define who we are. It’s natural to experience emotions; they are fundamental responses that help us navigate life. 

Feelings, on the other hand, are our subjective experience of these emotions, shaped by our thoughts, past experiences, and personal interpretations. Recognizing and accepting both our emotions and feelings is crucial for developing self-esteem and managing relationships effectively.

Importantly: you always have 100 % autonomy to interpret your feelings as you feel like — no one else can know or should dictate how you feel. No matter "what their friends say" or "what societial norms " tries to impose on you. You own your body and mind. 100 %. Always.

However, societal norms often teach us to hide or suppress our emotions, which can hinder the development of a healthy relationship with ourselves and others. Open and honest communication about our feelings, and creating space for it, is essential for genuine and supportive relationships.

In summary, while our emotions are a significant part of our lives and provide valuable insights into our experiences, our feelings about these emotions bring depth to that understanding. They should not be seen as defining our entire identity. Striving for a balance where we can acknowledge and express our emotions and feelings healthily is key to personal and emotional growth. 

Your autonomy in interpreting and expressing these emotions and feelings is a fundamental part of this process.